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  • Business & Human Rights Accelerator

    O novo programa acelerador UN Global Compact

  • Portugal lança 2ª Edição do Climate Ambition Accelerator

    Junte-se a nós na viagem para atingir a neutralidade carbónica até 2050

  • Meta Nacional para a Igualdade de Género

    40% de Mulheres em Cargos de Decisão até 2030

  • // Global Compact Network Portugal

    A rede portuguesa do UN Global Compact, a maior iniciativa de sustentabilidade empresarial do mundo
  • Target Gender Equality

    Programa Acelerador | Igualdade de Género

The Global Compact Network Portugal (GCNP) is the UN Global Compact Portuguese network, gathering the UN Global Compact participants with headquarters and operations in Portugal. It started with informal meetings with Portuguese signatory companies from the UN Global Compact, in 2006, and was formally constituted in 2009.


The Global Compact Network Portugal (GCNP) is the Portuguese network of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which brings together participants of the initiative based or operating in Portugal.

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